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Cold Email Outreach Specialist
30 Jan 2025
First Name
Last Name
- Select -
0-1 Year
1-2 Years
2-3 Years
3-4 Years
4-5 Years
5-6 Years
6-7 Years
7-8 Years
8-9 Years
9-10 Years
10+ Years
Drop a link to your portfolio
Share your city country of residence
What is your expected salary, monthly (Kindly indicate the currency in front of the amount expected)
Name tools you would be using for this role?
Tell us how you would do cold email.
Please share a video link showcasing your cold email process, including a screen recording of your actions in the software you use. Feel free to narrate or explain your approach throughout the video.
Where did you hear about us?
Do you have acquaintance with any staff of Brave Achievers Foundation? If Yes, can you state who this staff is?
What do you do in your current role?
Why do you want to do this role?
What did you not like in your current role and why are you leaving?
What is your process?
Must be in Doc, Docx, PDF. (Less than 8 MB)
Mid-Senior Level
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